AgraStrip®: Rapid On-Site Test for Food Allergens
The innovative ifp rapid test product line for the detection of allergens in food, swabs and rinsing water is globally distributed by Romer Labs® under the trade mark of AgraStrip®.
AgraStrip® is an improved test format where sample extraction and test procedure have been significantly simplified as compared to other methods. The kits contain extraction buffers as well as reaction vials and strips. Swabs for environmental analyses are also included. The homogenised sample is added to the extraction vials and then shaken at room temperature for 1 minute, followed by the detection on the strip. In 11 minutes the test is ready and shows the result. The limits of detection are nearly 1-2 mg/kg food (1-2 ppm) but not higher than 5 ppm.
An overview of all available products can be found here. For information on ifp's gluten rapid test (article no. COKAL0210AS) please click here.
Sales (international)
Romer Labs Diagnostic GmbH
Technopark 1
3430 Tulln
Tel: +43 2272 61533
ImmunoFast® / AgraStrip® Parameters
The following ImmunoFast® / AgraStrip® parameters are available:
- Almond
- Brazil nut
- Coconut
- Egg
- Gluten
- Linseed
- Lupin
- Macadamia
- Mustard
- Peanut
- Pine
- Pistachio / Cashew
- Sesame
- Soy
- Sunflower seeds
- Walnut
Coming up soon:
- Celery