The  quality seal of ifp

Quality assurance from the origin to the processed product

Ifp Institut für Produktqualität's criteria for awarding the quality seal rely on severe quality assurances and highlight the high and permanent quality of a product to the customer. The criteria are composed of:

  • Auditing of raw-material suppliers
    Controls of the suppliers on-site and of the raw-materials in the country of origin are carried out.

  • Product purity and identity
    Inspection of quality and purity of used raw-materials

  • Analysis of raw materials for residues and contaminants
    Analysis of raw-materials for pesticides, heavy metals contaminants and other residues

  • Auditing production facilities and production controls
    Control of the production and production processes on-site

  • Product analysis
    Performance of sensoric, microbiological, chemical-analytical, immunological and microbiological analysis of the ingredients and analysis of the nutrient values

  • Check of retraceability
    Retraceability studies of all ingredients of all products and fork to farm

  • Check of packaging
    All packages and outer packages are proved according current

  • Hidden purchases of products (“mystery shopping”) with following evaluation
    Repeatly purchase of products in stores and analysis of products under neutral conditions

For further information on products carrying ifp's Quality Seal, see: